Friday, October 9, 2009

Letterman's (VD)iagnosis: StaffLoCockus

Dave confesses to having had "creepy" sex with "Staff." As in a tool, like his rod and staff? Or, by staff does he mean human beings? So, hey, Dave's a comedian, not a cheesy politico with the pubic trust, so what's the big deal? Except that it's about jobs for women. Only a few days before Dave's outing, Nancy Franklin wrote in The New Yorker that "the nighttime comedy shows are bizarrely lacking in women writers. Did a bomb go off and kill all the women comedy writers and leave the men standing...Emmy Awards nominees for best writing on a comedy series...out of 81 people, only 7 were women. Leno has no women writers on his show. Neither does David Letterman, and neither does Conan O'Brien. Come on." Thank you, Nancy Franklin, for having the balls to call them on it! (WW will discuss The New Yorker in an upcoming post.) WW likes Stewart and Colbert, watches them religiously, but finds the dearth of female faces very depressing. Samantha Bee on Stewart. Period. And no woman on Colbert. Of course Colbert is all about being about Colbert, but how often does he interview women authors/musicians? And these guys are our liberal, radical counterculture talk show hosts, so what hope is there? So, how are Dave's dalliances and jobs for women connected? It sounds to WW like the country clubs, old boy's clubs of yore that didn't want women messing with their fun. Those ruling class dignitaries humping bears in Bohemian Grove. A place where women are seen as temptresses or the tattle-tales. The distracting--and disposable--strength sapping/sperm-sucking siren, or the mean mom figure, playing the scary superego to their ids, and maybe, after a while not laughing at their jokes. It sounds like a hostile climate in the workplace, and that's against the law.

Thursday, October 1, 2009